We make high performance VR/AR
gloves to feel the digital reality.

We are looking for partners and developers to build the next generation of immersive content.

unparalleled precision

Our proprietry sensor technology tracks with 0.01 degree precision.

21 degrees of freedom

Our gloves track every single joint position of your fingers independently; a level of virtual dexterity to match your real hands.

Haptic Feedback

In order to accomplish rich immersion, haptic feedback is applied to each fingertip for tactile interactions.

Modular Hardware

We understand that tracking is an evolving technology, so we offer tracking adapters for the Vive, Oculus, and Windows MR devices - and have open hardware to allow access to data and power. With our SteamVR and standalone tracking in the pipeline, we have future-proofed Plexus for the entire XR tracking spectrum.

$249 per pair

The Plexus Developer Kit offers more dexterity and crams more technology than any other dataglove in its category, all without sacrificing affordability. Currently shipping to US/EU/Canada/AUS. (Shipping and taxes not included).


Measurement System: 21 Degrees of freedom per hand
Tactile Feedback: 5 (one per finger) tactile actuators
Wireless: 2.4GHz Custom Low Latency Protocol
Compatibility: Unity, Unreal Engine, C++, C#, Python
SDK: Unity and Unreal Engine haptic rapid application development toolkit, including drop in haptic hand rigs and interactive objects ready to use with developer artwork assets
Compatibility: VR Integration / tracking options: Vive, Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality. Can be used with any Windows, Linux or Mac environment through the C++ and Python API
Battery life: 2 to 3 hours depending on feedback usage
Refresh rate: 180hz, engine synchronized for VR

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